You will gain a strong foothold in accountancy and develop the analysis and evaluation skills required to process accounting information in a modern economy.

Your studies in Business Management will complement your learning in Accountancy, giving you a strong ÔpeopleÕ perspective and a wide understanding of how organisations function as well as the challenges they face as business becomes increasingly global.

Your skills will develop within the confines of a dynamic learning and research environment, inspired by staff from a range of professional backgrounds and financial markets.Ê

You will learn how complex organisations operate and will benefit from being involved in real-life scenarios.You will have access to professional training facilities such as our virtual trading room and the Bloomberg finance lab, which is used by major financial service companies across the world.

You will thrive in the international, dynamic environment of our Business School with classmates from over 40 nationalities creating a truly global experience. The support you will receive from teaching staff and dedicated careers advisers will help you to develop as an individual with the skills and attributes sought by employers from a range of businesses.