In Business Management you will gain a wide perspective and thorough grounding in all areas of business, including skills in accountancy and statistics. Your knowledge will be developed in the dynamic, international environment of our Business School where there are 45 nationalities, small class sizes and teaching is delivered by leading figures in the fields of business practice and theory, corporate finance and organisational change. Your learning will be supported by dedicated careers advisers.

Aberdeen is highly rated for research in both pure and applied mathematics and how we use mathematics to shed light on Ôcomplex systemsÕ, including in business. You will learn from teachers and researchers who are internationally recognised as leaders in pure mathematics, particularly in the fields of algebra, analysis, geometry, topology and its application to many areas of our lives.

Adding Mathematics to your degree extends your choice of challenging and rewarding careers. Employers are keen to recruit mathematicians because of their ability to think logically and analyse new developments whether in business, commerce or technology. Business Management and Mathematics at University of Aberdeen will make you a strong candidate not only in business generally, because of the transferable skills you will have gained, but specifically in the financial and actuarial sectors, computing, information technology, geophysics and data analysis.