In Business Management, you will gain a wide perspective and thorough grounding in all areas of business, including skills in accountancy and statistics. Your knowledge will develop in the dynamic, international environment of our Business School of 45 nationalities, in small classes, taught by leaders in the fields of business practice and theory, corporate finance, and organisational change. You will be supported by dedicated careers advisers.

International Relations will set this in the context of our fast-moving world, as you study how organisations work, how states interact, what creates global wealth and poverty and why we have inequality, and the ever-present concerns of conflict and peace.

Business Management and International Relations at Aberdeen will be taught by internationally renowned academics with strong track records in publishing international papers and articles and who appear regularly in the media, analysing and explaining world events from the viewpoint of their own area of expertise and research.

You will gain the perfect foundation to add international career possibilities to your appeal to employers in all sectors, adding to all business sectors with options in local and national government, politics, journalism, and international development.