Degree benefits
  • The first two years of the programme span the field of psychology, while the final year offers considerable choice of topics for study, according to your main interests and aims.
  • The UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences is one of the largest centres of psychology teaching and research in the UK, whose cutting-edge research is internationally recognised.
  • The programme is accredited and audited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Graduates are eligible to become members of the BPS, the starting point for a career in psychology.
  • Excellent resources include our up-to-date web-based system, which makes all teaching materials (including course outlines, lecture presentation slides, handouts) available to registered students.


  • In addition to subject-based skills and knowledge, Psychology graduates also acquire a number of transferable skills e.g. numeracy, IT literacy, data management, time management, independent research, team working, report writing, presentation skills, communications and literacy skills and work ethically and professionally with people - all highly valued in a range of employment fields.
  • Your knowledge of all areas of the subject makes you eligible for entry into any field normally open to psychology graduates, or for further graduate training which is required for graduates wishing to work as a chartered professional psychologist in the areas of health, forensic, clinical, educational and occupational psychology.
  • While many UCL Psychology graduates have gone on to become professional psychologists in the National Health Service, in education, the civil service and industry, it is important to bear in mind that psychology provides a very useful basis for a wide range of other careers.