Degree benefits
  • Gain a broadly based training in Linguistics and phonetics together with the opportunity to explore other themes, such as language acquisition and language processing.
  • Spend your third year abroad. Our partner institutions have excellent academic reputations in Linguistics and are located in Canada, China, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA.
  • UCL is known worldwide for its teaching and research in Linguistics; the work of our staff appears in internationally acclaimed journals and books and feedback from students in recent national surveys shows 96% were satisfied with the degree programme.
  • Our focus on small-group teaching helps develop a friendly and supportive atmosphere. You will have access to extensive computer facilities and to a specialised on-site library.


  • In addition to subject-specific skills, you will also acquire the analytical, investigative and study skills essential for most graduate careers, which could include law, computing, commerce and industry. Recent national surveys show that UCL Linguistics graduates have above average employment rates and starting salaries after graduation.
  • Many Linguistics graduates from UCL carry on Linguistics at graduate level often with a view to pursuing an academic career. Linguistics connects with many other disciplines and a number of graduates go on to work in these areas, e.g. teaching languages, especially English as a first or foreign language, speech therapy, advertising or the media.