Aberdeen is a leading centre for the study of literature, language and creative writing, rated second in the UK for its research output and top in Scotland for creative writing.

During English with Creative Writing programme at University of Aberdeen youÕll study poetry and prose through the dynamic relationship between author, reader and literary text, every period from Chaucer, Shakespeare and Milton to contemporary English, Scottish, Irish, European and American writing, and the cultural and critical impact of powerful and controversial modern works.

Your Creative Writing studies will develop your understanding of - and practical skills in - the writing of prose fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction. YouÕll be taught by widely-published, award-winning writers of poetry and prose, and gain a thorough, practice-based understanding of the creative process and technical challenges involved in developing an original idea into a completed literary work.

YouÕll develop your own folio of creative work in either poetry or prose, exploring and extending your creative ambitions in writing and a practical awareness of some of the key stylistic, formal and expressive possibilities available to the skilled creative writer.

YouÕll graduate ideally prepared for a career in creative writing, publishing, journalism, teaching, or in applying your highly-developed skills in core writing, analysis and communication to a wide range of career options.