New Delhi: In a video meeting on Wednesday, the British High Commissioner to India, Alex Ellis has declared that the UK is back on track with its standard norm of processing visa applications within a fortnight.
We are on track to get back to processing GB #visa applications within our standard of 15 days.
We are on track to get back to processing ???????? to ???????? #visa applications within our standard of 15 days.
— Alex Ellis (@AlexWEllis) October 18, 2022
???? Student numbers ⬆️ by 89% since last year.
???? Skilled workers visas bring processed faster
???? Focus on improving visitor visa processing times.
A long way come, more to go.
"We are on track to get back to processing India to UK visa applications within our standard of 15 days." he said on the video message.
"As you know the combination of an unprecedented surge in demand for travel from India to the UK combined with the effects of Covid-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, meant that our visa processing got well outside of a 15-day working standard," Alex Ellis said.
Prior to this, he stated that Britain has received an outlandish 89% surge in student visa applications from 2021.
He has also assured the faster processing of skilled workers visas. "We're turning right off skilled worker visas very fast. And now we are focusing on visitor visas to get them back inside 15 days,"
The British High Commissioner has also requested expected applicants to apply for visas three months in advance. They must also inform about applications under the priority and super priority services in their application at any of the centres.