Students will be able to:

  • Identify the principal theoretical approaches to the study of international relations, and the relationships between them.
  • Compare and contrast alternative systems of governance throughout the Arab Gulf region and other parts of the world that are of particular significance to the United Arab Emirates and the Arab Gulf region.
  • Analyze international affairs by using theoretical concepts and ideas from more than one international relations-related discipline.
  • Apply qualitative and quantitative methods and problem-solving skills to analyze
  • Evaluate and apply diverse perspectives to complex subjects within natural and human systems in the face of multiple and even conflicting positions.
  • Adapt existing arguments, hypotheses, models, etc. or propose alternative ones to describe, explain, or predict instances of cooperation and conflict in regional and/or international relations.
  • Develop scenarios of the possible outcomes of the interactions between socioeconomic and political realities in specific national context(s) and regional and international actors and institutions.