- The Bachelor of Communication Studies is a 4-year program for undergraduates interested in majoring in Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, Broadcast and Cinema Studies, Communications Research, Interdisciplinary, and Information Analytics.
- Students take core courses and some breadth courses in Year 1. In Year 2, students select electives in tracks they wish to specialize in. In semester 2 of year 2, students can choose to go on overseas exchange, and some electives can be taken in our partner universities.
- When students return in Year 3, they continue with electives in their specialization or in other areas. In semester 2 of year 3, they do a 22-week Professional Internship with one of our many partner organizations, or they self-sourced their own internship organization.
- Forth-year students embark on their final year projects. The project is done over 2 semesters and students work in teams of 4. At the end of the project, students submit reports and do presentations.
- Communication Studies students also can apply for second majors in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.