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My air is 25505 sc rank 2508 +rajasthan domicile can I get nlu assam or any lower nlu

Posted On - Jan 30, 2023
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Feb 13, 2023
Pratiksha Singh

Looking at your profile, your chances of admission to NLUs are definitely not on the brighter side. According to the official data, the latest General Rank granted access had an All India Rank of 1782

As far as the SC Category is concerned, the official reports are not available. One of my friends informed me that the last SC rank that was granted admission to NLU Assam had an All India Rank of 8967. Now if we evaluate your profile on the basis of this answer, I have to be brutally honest in letting you know that your rank is nowhere near the ideal requirements. Anything below 10000 would have still improved your chances but since your rank stands at 25505, I don't think you will be able to make it. Now you have 2 options to make a quick and wise decision

  • Wait for a second attempt at NLU Assam
  • Try for vacant seats in other NLUs
  • Look for other Law colleges that offer BA-LLB programs

Considering the closing rank data of the National Law Universities, you can expect to get admission to the following NLUs for their integrated law course (B.A.LL.B):

  1. NALSAR University of Law in Hyderabad
  2. National Law Institute University of Bhopal
  3. The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law in Patiala
  4. Chanakya National Law University of Patna
  5. National Law University and Judicial Academy in Assam
  6. Dharmashastra National Law University of Jabalpur

All you need to do is keep working hard and not give up. Face the challenges and you will definitely bear good results.


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