Different universities use various conversion methods and grading systems.
In the case of RGPV, the conversion base is 10. If you receive 78% or 78 marks out of 100, your SGPA/CGPA is 7.8 out of 10 according to RGPV. To convert it to Grade Point Average, simply divide the number by ten. Thus, by multiplying by 10, the reversal equivalent percentage can be calculated.
Equivalent Percentage = (SGPA/CGPA) × 10
If you turn over your RGPV Semester Marksheet, you will see a conversion Formula to convert your CGPA/SGPA into the equivalent percentage required in a few exam forms that must be submitted during application time.
If you require an RGPV equivalent percentage conversion form, simply provide a Xerox copy of the back side of your semester mark sheet. There is no need for a complex format or the signature and seal of the university/college head.
The method for calculating SGPA and CGPA is also provided on the back page of the semester mark sheets.