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JNTUK Kakinada

Can JNTUK send transcripts to WES?

Posted On - Oct 6, 2021
Asked byAaditya Hari Nair
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Oct 6, 2021
Prateek Dasgupta

Earlier JNTUK didn't have any kind of service to send transcripts on the students behalf to any college or organization. But now things have changed and now it is possible to send transcripts by applying it on their official website. 

Here are the steps to apply for a transcript. 

  • First of all, you will have to get attested all the transcripts photocopies by your college principal and then send all these transcript copies to the Registrar/Controller of Exams JNTUK.
  • You will have to include some other important documents such as xerox of your Aadhar card, academic records request form which will be provided by WES by filling section A and get it signed by your principal at the end of section B, and a formal letter requesting your Registrar/Controller of Exams of JNTUK to give you WES address and reference number. 
  • Then pay the required amount for the transcripts by visiting the website of the JNTUH examination and by clicking on the highlighted link. Complete the payment as per the given instructions. Do the payment for postal charges for WES. Attach the payment receipt too. 
  • Upon receiving your mail, the university will send your scanned copies to WES and they will also send the attested transcripts to WES by post.

This is the complete process by which the transcript of a student is being sent from JNTUK to WES. 


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