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EligibilityB.TechDibrugarh University Dibrugarh

What is the eligibility criteria for the B.Tech course in Dibrugarh University?

Posted On - Sep 23, 2021
Asked byAaditya Hari Nair
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Sep 23, 2021
Parijat Ghosh

To be eligible for admission in the B.Tech course in Dibrugarh University, you have to score very good marks in your entrance examination to clear the cutoffs. 

  • The cutoffs of Dibrugarh University are generally declared in the month of June and July through 'The Assam Tribune' and other local newspapers. 
  • Dibrugarh University accepts students on the basis of both JEE and CEE scores. 
  • If you are able to clear the cutoff marks, then you will be given a date to appear for the counselling process. 
  • If you are looking for a seat in Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dibrugarh University then you should have a CEE score of more than 115 to be eligible for admission. 
  • But this score again varies every year and depends on the result trends. 
  • If you are looking for a seat in PE or ME, then the cutoff marks would be even higher as these two branches are in high demand and are more preferred in Assam. 
  • The eligibility of all the branches (ME, PE, ECE & CSE) changes every year as it depends on the average scores of both JEE and CEE. 
  • It also depends upon the number of students appearing for the examination. 

Hence, to get admission in a B.Tech course in Dibrugarh University, you will have to appear for the entrance examination and clear the examination successfully, after which you will have to appear for the counselling process where the final decision regarding your admission will be made. 


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