The National Assessment and Accreditation Council, NAAC has blacklisted Malla Reddy College of Engineering (MRCE) for the next 5 academic years on the charges of submitting fake documents to pass through the accreditation process .

NAAC has even rejected the Self Study Report which was submitted by MRCE during December 2019.

The reason for which NAAC took this step was pointed out by the council in the letter which was sent to the college on December 24, 2020. NAAC has pointed out that the certificates assigned by BHEL, Yash Technologies, Airtel, appeared to be fabricated especially with regard to seal, signature and the letterhead. The letter further pointed it as the “Digital Fabrication”. 

The MRCE was accredited with “B++” grade in 2018 which was supposed to be valid till 2023, but it sent a show cause notice in November 2019, and conducted a re-assessment.

In the 88th Executive Committee meeting held in November 2020, the action was taken regarding the discrepancies as created by MRCE and has taken its decision to blacklist the institute for Next 5 years.

On behalf of the step taken by NAAC, a senior official states that the step will not affect the existing students but will affect the Admissions, as the university has been blacklisted and is not accredited any more.

Additionally he also said that “Since it is a private college, they do not have to bother about the UGC funding, which is based on the NAAC ranking. However, since it has been blacklisted for five years, it is likely to intervene with the implementation of the New Education Policy”.

In 2018’s Annual Quality Assurance Report, MRCE submitted its list of students who interned in different top organizations like BHEL, Airtel, where it claimed to have links for internships, on-job training and sharing of the research files.