State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra will be declaring the MHT CET 2020 Result on November 28. Candidates waiting for the result can check it on the official website
MHT CET 2020 Result will comprise of subject wise score and total percentile achieved by the candidates. The exam conducting authorities use a normalization process to determine the MHT CET 2020 score.
The normalization process is an accepted practice of contrasting candidate scores across multi-shift papers, and is now adopted in major educational admission tests in India. Whereas Percentile scores are scores that are based on the relative results of all those appearing for the exam. Basically, for every session, the marks obtained are transformed into a scale that ranges from 100 to 0.
MHT CET 2020: How is Percentile Score Calculated?
In order to reduce ties and bunching effect, the percentile score is calculated upto 7 decimal places. The Basic formula used to calculate percentile score is as follows:
MHT CET Percentile Score = 100 * (No. of candidates with normalized marks ≤ the candidate) ÷ Total number of candidates attended the exam
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MHT CET 2020: Normalization Process
Below is the step by step procedure given for MHT CET Normalization 2020:
Step 1: Firstly the candidates are divided into four sessions randomly. Each session consisting of equal number of candidates
Step 2: Then MHT CET Result 2020 would be prepared in the form of raw score for each session. These percentile scores will be prepared for each of the three subjects of the exam. The formulas for calculating percentiles is given in table below:
Mathematics Percentile | 100 x No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score ≤ M1 score in Mathematics ÷ Total Number of candidates appeared in the session |
Physics Percentile | 100 x No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score ≤ P1 score in Physics ÷ Total Number of candidates appeared in the session |
Chemistry Percentile | 100 x No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score ≤ C1 score in Chemistry ÷ Total Number of candidates appeared in the session |
Total Percentile | 100 x No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score ≤ T1 score ÷ Total Number of candidates appeared in the session |
Note: In the above table, T1, P1, M1, C1 represent the raw scores.
Step 3: To get the total MHT CET Score 2020, the percentile scores for the total raw score for all the four sessions will be merged. This score will then be used for compilation of MHT CET Result 2020.
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