As per the recent reports of Delhi High Court, the deadline of submission of the thesis for MAIDS (Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Science) has been extended till September 30, 2020. The payment of a late fee for the same is INR 5000.


In a statement made by a single-judge bench of Justice, it has been clearly mentioned about several candidates from MAIDS and other medical institutes who approached the court concerned about the stress and fear for health amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Read More: MAIDS Admission

Apart from this, it was also stated about the Original Executive Council which has now amended and extended the deadline till October 15, 2020.

MAIDS students also filed a petition to the High Court for hearing. Students wanted to ask for an extension of the deadline for remitting the thesis thereby asserting the amendment made by DU in its policies pertaining to PG courses of the institute.

The same process was followed last year in July due to the last date for submission of the thesis. Moreover, the court also clarified regarding the payment of a late fee of INR 5000.

Besides this, an exemption was also provided to the petitioners from the late payment of the fee; instead, they were ordered by the court to submit their thesis till July 31, 2020. 

As per the orders of the court, the various amendments in the timelines of the submission have been notified yet neither by DU nor by MAIDS. As a result, some of the candidates are still ambiguous with the last submission of the thesis.

Acknowledging the several miscommunications among authorities as well as lack of sufficient information, any further hearing on the matter will be conducted by the court on 9th September.  

Later on, it was suggested y the DU counsel, Adv. Mohinder Rupal that MAIDS is considered as the non-covid hospital whereas the counsel for the petitioner Adv. Sarthak Maggon maintained that COVID duties have been allocated to four out of the nine petitioners.

Read MoreMaulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences has been ranked #1 by NIRF 2020, under Dental Category.