IITJEE main and SAT both are important exams for the candidates pursuing undergraduate courses. Through this article, we will check a quick comparison of IITJEE and SAT in terms of difficulty level to find out which one is easier.

SAT and IITJEE: A Quick Comparison

SAT comes with 2 sections: Evidence-based reading and writing, math, and an optional section of an essay. A candidate with a fair knowledge of language and quantitative skills can secure a sufficient SAT score easily. There is no negative marking in SAT, so, it is not a great deal to attempt all the questions of SAT by guessing the answers to the difficult questions.

IITJEE main, on the other side, tests the physics, chemistry, and math skills of the candidates. This exam has a negative marking system, so candidates must be sure that they are marking the correct answer here to secure a good JEE score.

SAT and IITJEE: Difficulty Level

Well, both these exams are considered to be very important for all the students. Naturally, these standardized tests will have a higher level of difficulty.

The English and math questions of SAT are very tricky and in most of the cases, these questions confuse the candidates a lot. Along with that, a few questions take too much time which is actually very stressful for the candidates. Without thorough practice, a bright student may struggle here.

Compared to SAT, IIT JEE main is easier because the aspirants are supposed to have the knowledge of core science-based subjects like physics, chemistry, and math. The language skills are not at all required here.

IITJEE main is an exam for the students of science background only but SAT can be taken by the candidates of both science and humanities background for their higher studies. SAT happens to be a more difficult exam because for this English and math – both skills are needed.

It is seen that candidates of science background feel comfortable in SAT math and candidates from humanities backgrounds find SAT evidence-based section easier. This factor is not applicable to IITJEE because it is an exam meant for science candidates. It is not that JEE is easy because the questions of JEE are equally complicated. In terms of syllabus, SAT is more diverse.

Both SAT and JEE need proper resources and months of preparation and if you want to study in a good college – go for SAT. If your target is engineering or any technology-related course – you have to pick JEE.