Aspects of Japanese culture have become popular in much of Asia, Australasia and America. These include animation, computer games, fashion, art, sport and spirituality.

Learning the Japanese language helps you to do business with Japanese people and multinational companies, equips you for a job in Japan and opens up an understanding of a proud people with a long history and fascinating culture.

Why study Japanese at UC?
  • The Japanese programme at UC offers a wide range of courses in Japanese language and related subjects up to PhD level.
  • It is supported by a strong team of staff specialising in linguistics, literature, theatre, society, tradition and modern culture.
  • In language classes, equal emphasis is placed on the four key language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Communicative and cultural competency in Japanese is developed through regular interaction with native speakers and practice communicating in a range of real-life situations.
  • Courses in the programme are complemented by a number of specialised courses on Japanese history, art, political science and music offered through various Schools in the College of Arts.