Political Science and International Relations students gain a versatile set of skills that can be applied in a wide range of exciting careers both within politics (international, national, and local political institutions eg, the UN, humanitarian inter-governmental organizations, parliaments, city councils) and in more diverse areas such as law, business, education, and journalism.
Recent graduates have been employed in the Ministries of Defence, of Justice, and Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa | Treasury, Te Puni K?kiri, P?remata Aotearoa | Parliament, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Te Tira Tiaki | Government Communications Security Bureau, Te P? Whakamarumaru | Security Intelligence Service, Te R?nanga o Ng?i Tahu, and R?peka Whero Aotearoa | Red Cross.
Political Science and International Relations specialists fare well in roles that value a questioning mind, superb communication skills, and a strong understanding of systems and social issues such as the news media, trade unions, teaching, and the finance industry (eg, banking and investment).
Many college senior students have also gone on to further study and teach at prestigious overseas universities.