• The MD course in Medicine and Surgery at Humanitas University lasts 6 years and is taught in English.
  • Vacancies: 130 places available for European students and 50 places available for Non-European students.
  • This program is designed with 3 exam sessions and 3 graduation sessions are defined for each academic year.
  • From the very first year, theoretical and practical skills can be acquired thanks to the multidisciplinary modules combined with practical training and simulation activities, carried out under the guidance of professors and researchers with international experience – including 3 Noble Prize winners – and 150 doctors, who also work as tutors and members of the teaching community.
  • From the third year, students will start their clinical training at Humanitas Research Hospitals under the supervision of specialised tutors, who follow undergraduates through their clinical practice.
  • Students can also join the Virgilio Program, an interdisciplinary program dedicated to biomedical research, featuring interactive teaching activities and laboratory experience – one month a year – to enable active participation in scientific research.