• It will givestudents skills and expertise in synthetic chemistry that can be applied in the pharmaceutical and other industries. Students can anticipate working in the pharmaceutical industry, facilitating the development of new and better medicines, as well as the chemical (paints, dyes, adhesives, inks) and allied industries (food, beverages, medical devices, cosmetics, semiconductors).
  • This chemistry degree focuses on how chemistry can be used for medicinal applications, including drug design, synthesis, and delivery.
  • It will give  skills and expertise in synthetic chemistry that can be applied in the pharmaceutical and other industries. Students can anticipate working in the pharmaceutical industry, facilitating the development of new and better medicines, as well as the chemical (paints, dyes, adhesives, inks) and allied industries (food, beverages, medical devices, cosmetics, semiconductors).
  • The skillsets students will acquire will provide them with an excellent basis for working in a variety of areas including production, quality and assurance, technical services, research and development, technical sales or towards a career in the teaching profession.
  • The course is designed around a core chemistry syllabus in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, and incorporates analytical chemistry. The medicinal chemistry component is introduced in first year and built on in subsequent years. All science subjects in Year 1 are taught on the basis that  may not have studied them at Leaving Certificate. In Year 2, chemical and pharmaceutical processes and technology are explored; in Year 3, students will expand your knowledge of chemistry and its applications to medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical processes.