The programme at??aims at carrying out a serious philosophical analysis of some of the underlying cultural themes and philosophical presuppositions of Western self understanding and contemporary society. Building upon the strengths of critical thinking, systematic reflection, and historical awareness developed at undergraduate level, the programme allows the student to explore thematic concerns of philosophers in the Western tradition from medieval times to the 21st century. The MA degree (Mode I) in Philosophy is taken by examination (100% continuous assessment) and by minor thesis, the topic of which must be in the subject area of Philosophy of Religion and approved by the Head of the Department. The dissertation comprises a maximum of 15,000 words, and is assessed by the supervisor and the external examiner.

Philosophy is not a qualification to do a particular job; rather it is a valuable component of general education. The expertise gained in Philosophy is of great value in many different careers. Philosophy is a good preparation for an academic career and for careers in journalism, law, radio, television and the media in general, and politics. Increasingly, philosophy graduates are being hired by large corporations, e.g. in roles such as management consultancy, as people who can approach problems from a new perspective. Philosophy graduates are valued for their quick intelligence, their ability to reason clearly and independently and their ability to take an overview on the problem or situation confronting them.