You do not need to have studied Spanish before coming to us. About half of our students are beginners when they start their studies.

If you are studying Spanish as part of the BA (International) or BA (World Languages) you can spend Year 3 in Spain or Mexico.

Key aspects of the course:

  • Spanish language at all levels
  • Spanish as a global language
  • contemporary Spanish narrative
  • aspects of contemporary Iberian and Latin American culture and society
  • pedagogy and teaching of Spanish
  • the work of Cervantes and Golden Age writers
  • Latino writers in the US from Puerto Rico, Mexico and Cuba
  • Spanish and Latin American theatre and film, among others

Expected lecture hours: Contact hours will vary depending on levels and course combinations. However, you will always have about three hours per week of language classes if you come to us as a non-beginner and four hours per week if you are a beginner in Spanish. Most of the options are taught in one semester and involve two hours per week of contact.

You can also study Portuguese, Catalan, Basque or Galician (Gallego).

Expected reading/lab/practical hours: Additional hours will be required for reading, class preparation, laboratory practice and group work.