Biotechnology encompasses all aspects of the industrial application of living organisms and/ or biological techniques. It is a collection of technologies that capitalise on the attributes of cells and biological molecules, such as DNA, to work for us

The MSc in Biotechnology and Business provides you with a solid grounding in the science underpinning biotechnology coupled with a comprehensive business education, and-

  • Provides the theoretical knowledge needed to understand the latest know-how being applied in the design and development of new and highly innovative biotechnological and pharmaceutical products.
  •  It also provides industrially relevant expertise in drug discovery and development, bioprocess technology, regulatory affairs and the design and management of clinical trials. 

Student will spend 50% of time studying biotechnology and 50% of the time studying business. Student may choose optional biotechnology modules to ensure that you specialise in your area of interest:

■ Drug Discovery ■ Medical Device Technology ■ Biomedical Diagnostics ■ Regulatory Affairs ■ Bioprocessing ■ Marketing Management ■ Corporate Finance ■ Entrepreneurship ■ Business Plan Development ■ Biotechnology Case Study