The Media and International Conflict programme at University College Dublin analyzes the complex roles played by the media in the enactment and representation of international conflict and addresses the relationships among media, governments, the military, and NGOs in framing perceptions of international conflict.

It provides an interdisciplinary approach that considers both cultural and political dimensions of media responses to international conflicts, focusing on issues such as: public diplomacy as soft power, human rights and representation, distinctions between information and propaganda, the ethics of depicting human suffering, the role of new and social media in perceptions of conflict, the visual economy of the production, circulation and reception of imagery of conflict, and the effects of news reporting on government policy and NGO activity. Modules in this programme are taught by resident UCD faculty and by external speakers, both academics and practitioners, who will broaden intellectual discussion and speak to examples of media work.


Our alumni are working in a diverse range of careers and include:

  • Media, NGOs, Public Service, Communication & PR, Research Centres, and Information Technology.