Industrial managers are the architects for the design of operating systems in organisations, both private and public, that are concerned with providing value to customers. Industrial managers are also responsible for effectively managing the operations of these organisations. The complexities of modern operations have increased greatly in both breadth and depth. An industrial manager now needs to be concerned with supply-chain issues in a global context. The management of technology and knowledge has also taken on a more significant role in the growth and profitability of an organisation and has become the most critical resources in gaining a competitive advantage.

Industrial managers are among the most important people in an organisation as they contribute to the long-term competitiveness of the organization in a direct, tangible way. While closer economic partnership with South China brings numerous business opportunities to Hong Kong, a company can prosper only if it has the right business vision and the necessary competence. The emphasis of the MSc(Eng) curriculum is on the strategic and logistical aspects that will help organisations achieve this vision and competence.

Students are required to complete 48 credits plus a dissertation (equivalent to 24 credits) to graduate??the Master of Science in Engineering in from The University of Hong Kong.