The programme from The University of Hong Kong structure allows students to specialise in electrical-energy-related areas such as electric power systems, electric railways, electric vehicles, power electronics and building services. To enhance the professional capacities of its students, the programme includes languages, finance, management and law. The aim is to educate students to become chartered/professional electrical engineers.

Electrical energy is the backbone of modern civilisation, and the programme has received overwhelming support from the government and industry, including many offers of scholarships, prizes, training places and employment. Almost half of the world?s future electrical-energy development will be in Asia, making Hong Kong the best place to pursue innovative research and East-West technology transfer in this area.

The department is actively pursuing research in electrical-energy-related areas. The Centre for Electrical Energy Systems has firmly established itself as a centre of activity in electrical energy in the Asia-Pacific region, and the International Research Centre for Electric Vehicles already has an international reputation in the arena of electric-vehicle technology. The KCRC Electric Traction Lab, the Power Electronics Lab and the Building Services Lab also collaborate closely with industry.


Graduates in Electrical Engineering are sought-after among both commercial organisations and government agencies. Many of them join the government and the power-supply, building-services, electric-traction and electrical-services industries.