The programme from The University of Hong Kong also includes a wide range of advanced topics and application areas, such as advanced databases, artificial intelligence, compilers, computer security, computer vision, graphics, mobile-app development and software engineering.

Besides lecture-based courses, students have to go through practical training where they learn to put theories into practice and gain experience useful for their future careers. Internships take place in Hong Kong, mainland China and further afield. Students also have the opportunity to work on an Industrial Project in their final year, offered by outside companies, under the supervision of our teachers. Students interested in research may also opt for a credit-bearing research internship, which provides the opportunity to work on a research project under the supervision of a teacher.?

The design of the curriculum stresses flexibility. Students can select from a large variety of courses to fulfil the elective requirements, and these elective courses can be used as credits for a second major or minor offered by another department or faculty, such as Business, Finance, Mathematics, Music or Risk Management. Students can also enroll in an exchange programme and spend one or more semesters in an overseas institution.


Information technology permeates every sector of society, be it banking and finance, building and construction, government, education, IT and telecoms, property or manufacturing. IT needs are everywhere, and they call for solutions from the best-trained IT personnel. As enterprises become more aware of the benefits of improved IT, the need for more and better IT professionals is constantly on the increase. A degree in IT from a reputable university such as HKU is a valuable asset in the job market. Over 90% of the programme?s graduates obtain IT posts as analyst programmers, system engineers, web administrators, web designers, sales executives, customer-service executives, systems specialists and systems/software developers. Those with several years of experience are able to move up to senior posts such as systems analysts, system architects and project managers.