The 4-year Bachelor degree in from The University of Hong Kong provides students with the academic qualification towards the professional status of a Civil Engineer. Students also have the option to take various Minor programmes from within or outside of the .?

The BEng(CivE) programme is accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Graduates can, with proper training and working experience, obtain the status of Registered Professional Engineer. This professional status is recognised through the Washington Accord by the signatories of engineering organisations in the UK, Ireland, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.


This comprehensive, versatile undergraduate programme offers students an excellent opportunity to develop a career in civil engineering. The solid training provides students with excellent preparation for the increasing and changing demands of society. Most of its graduates enter public- or private-sector bodies as trainee engineers. Employers have included various government departments; the MTR; developers; and numerous private consulting and construction firms. Graduates are normally able to become qualified/chartered engineers within a few years. A number of them have excelled in their chosen careers and are presently occupying top-level posts in both the public and private sectors.