Hong Kong is a global business centre that connects China with the rest of the world.

There is an increasing number of multi-national companies using Hong Kong as a springboard and a regional hub to support their investments in China and the Asia-Pacific region. This creates a huge demand in Hong Kong for global business professionals who can analyze and manage these global/regional ventures. This major is an excellent choice if students want to become a global business professional, e.g. business manager or business analyst in a global venture or investment firm.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Major (MILOs)
  • Demonstrate the attitude and ability to discover the best practices of global business, financial analysis and information systems for managing international technology ventures.
  • Demonstrate the ability to creatively design and manage global business information systems projects in multi-national corporations by applying potential global business models and new strategies.
  • Demonstrate key knowledge and skills in business and management specific disciplines.
  • Communicate effectively in English and Chinese.
  • Apply creative and critical thinking in solving business-related problems.
  • Attain personal and team goals using individual and interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrate awareness of ethical and global issues in business.