Aims of Major

  • Equip students with a theoretical understanding of English Language and Linguistics, English Literature and Culture, Professional and Corporate Communication practices in English, and the role of English in a globalized world;
  • Develop in students the ability to analyze the English language and its use in specific contexts and apply their analytical skills in practical problem solving;
  • Instil in students an awareness of the role of English as a global language across cultures and an awareness of the roles and rules of language and communication both within and across cultures;
  • Offer students training in specific language and professional communication skills related to corporate and management communication, professional training and continuing education, technical and business writing, and creative communication (including creative writing, document design, advertising copywriting, and public relations writing);
  • Develop in students the ability to analyze and evaluate creative communication products in English and to produce them in a variety of genres, modes and media;
  • Develop in students interpersonal skills, critical self-awareness and problem-solving abilities which will prepare them for careers in linguistically and culturally diverse organizations, and for lifelong learning and development in a rapidly evolving global business environment.
Intended Learning Outcomes of Major (MILOs)

Upon successful completion of this major, students should be able to:

  • Communicate in English with fluency, appropriateness and accuracy in a wide range of local and international contexts with people from a variety of cultures and through a variety of modes, and media in a wide range of genres including those related to corporate communication, promotional communication and creative communication, and read critically in English across a variety of genres and media, discovering and evaluating the messages, intentions, agendas and techniques of writers.
  • Apply theories of Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Professional and Corporate Discourse, Language for Specific Purposes, Intercultural Communication, Corporate and Organizational Communication, and Cultural and Critical Theory to discover and analyze the way people actually use language in both everyday and professional settings.
  • Discover and evaluate language and communication challenges in businesses and organizations, and formulate innovative solutions to meet them.
  • Work effectively in collaborative teams in planning and executing innovative projects and composing creative texts and other communication products.
  • Demonstrate creativity in English communication; cultivate knowledge and appreciation of literature and other creative texts; and discover the cultures of the many places where English is spoken, and synthesize knowledge, understanding, skills and experience in ways that cultivate critical, creative and reflective thinking and lifelong learning.