It provides a multidisciplinary education that integrates engineering, business, management and IT with analytical tools and techniques to provide participants with the means to improve internal and external operations as well as the processes and technologies used by engineering businesses.

Participants will develop skills in research, analysis and the evaluation of complex business problems through a methodical approach to problem solving and decision making.


This multidisciplinary and flexible programme offers over?20 modules that blend four major subject areas: Direction Motivation and Care of People, Business, Operations, and Manufacturing.

Students can attend the programme in full-time study mode and complete it at a faster pace. They can add or drop modules, change their mode of attendance and even attend in different countries to suit their own schedules.

In addition to strong academic support from both PolyU and the University of Warwick, local experts and industrialists provide updates?on the latest developments in their companies and discuss application and implementation issues.