
This is a flexible specialist programme?providing a progressive and deepening understanding of major accounting issues for accounting practitioners and executives. The focus is on real world-related and?contemporary academic studies, and practical applications. Two of the key elements are PRC accounting and the?contemporary application of information systems in accounting.?

  • The programme adopts both a deepening and broadening approach in enhancing students' knowledge and skills. The deepening approach is adopted for most of the Core Subjects, whereas a mix of?deepening and broadening approaches?are applied to Elective Subjects.
  • To obtain the MSc, students are required?to complete 4 Core Subjects, 3?Elective Subjects and either a Dissertation or 3 additional Elective Subjects (30 credits).
  • Those who are unable to complete the MSc programme may graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma upon completing 4 Core Subjects and 3 Elective Subjects (21 credits), or?a Postgraduate Certificate upon completing 4 Core Subjects (12 credits).