?Physiotherapists make use of multiple physical means to provide patient care. Examples include cryotherapy, electrotherapy, exercise therapy, heat therapy, hydrotherapy, manual therapy and traction, as well as assistive devices and artificial limbs to help individuals regain maximal functional potential. The physiotherapist contributes to the multidisciplinary team through patient evaluation, treatment planning and delivery, education, research and consultation in hospitals, clinics, industry and the community.

Programme Aims

The overall aim of the MPT programme is to equip students to become qualified physiotherapists who can practice physiotherapy autonomously, safely and effectively in different settings, and to meet the health care needs of society.

MPT students are developed into lifelong learners and critical consumers of the professional and scientific health care literature. Graduates possess the ability to engage in research and to critically analyse and integrate information from different sources into clinical practice. By acquiring a strong sense of professional commitment, our graduates are able to provide high quality physiotherapy services and contribute to the advancement of the rehabilitation profession.


The curriculum is based upon a solid theoretical framework. Students learn and develop the ability to link theory to practice. The curriculum provides opportunities for the students to integrate knowledge from different courses in fundamental and professional subjects to render sound clinical judgments.