The curriculum equips students with quantitative reasoning skills, conceptual understanding and the ability to effectively communicate in mathematics and in the language of economics and social sciences.?

This interdisciplinary degree is suited to students who seek the option of taking a quantitatively oriented job in the finance industry or who intend to pursue postgraduate study in applied mathematics, economics, business or related areas such as operations research or management science.The complexity and technical aspects of contemporary economic problems exhibit strong synergy between mathematics and economics.?

The program offers an advantage to students who would otherwise major in mathematics or economics alone. We aim to provide sequences of advanced mathematics and economics courses that equip students with a strong quantitative background in economics and related areas in management and finance, thus preparing them for a successful career in the banking and finance industry or further studies in graduate school.

Students can apply for the MAEC program through the direct choice in JUPAS, or apply for transfer into MAEC from the regular Science program or any Business School programs at HKUST after their first year of study. Students interested in MAEC are encouraged to include both Science (JS5100) and Business and Management (JS5300) in their program choices.

The?Mathematics and Economics program is offered at?Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Career Prospects
  • ?Graduates with an interdisciplinary degree are increasingly valued by employers, and tend to have more diverse career options than those majoring in Mathematics or Economics alone.?
  • ?Career opportunities in the banking and finance industry in Hong Kong are promising for those who are capable of applying mathematical tools to understand the financial markets and make economic forecasts. Our MAEC graduates have joined top-ranking financial institutions and multinational firms such as Bank of America, JP Morgan and KPMG.?
  • ?MAEC graduates are equipped with sufficient background for entry into advanced/ professional degree programs in economics, financial mathematics, statistics, and other business-related fields. Recent graduates have been admitted into PhD/Master's programs at prestigious universities such as Oxford, Stanford and Yale.?