• The modern economic world is largely characterized by high mobility, structural change, competitive markets, differentiated customer needs, changing social values ​​and complex legal framework conditions. Specific legal questions can only be answered by experts. Anyone making entrepreneurial decisions must have knowledge that goes beyond the requirements of traditional business management training. Conversely, business knowledge is essential for demanding jobs in companies or associations.
  • The bachelor's degree is based on these mixed needs and imparts both legal and business knowledge with regard to later use in high-level positions in business and administrative practice at national and international levels. The profile is rounded off by social sciences and economics, quantitative methods and languages. Subject-related key qualifications convey job-related skills and provide insight into future areas of activity. With regard to international specialist and management tasks, the HWR Berlin offers the opportunity to complete a practical semester abroad - the best prerequisites for the transition to an exciting field of activity of global corporations, associations or foundations.