• Students develop the specialist skills required for their chosen healthcare profession via training in a vocational college. They gain the knowledge and understanding required for the selected profession: healthcare and nursing, geriatric care, healthcare and pediatric nursing (following completion of general nursing training, students may complete further training with one of the abovementioned specialisms), midwifery, physiotherapy, logopedics, orthoptics, medical technician/laboratory assistant, medical technician/radiology assistant. 
  • The degree course enables students to further develop their specialist skills and general professional competencies. These skills include the ability to apply knowledge and solve problems within the remit of the given healthcare profession (instrumental competence), specialist argumentation and exchange with colleagues, other professionals (interpersonal/communication competence) and the ability to collect and collate information and evaluate this, and learn independently (systemic competence).
  • In addition, the degree programme encourages greater understanding within and between different professional groups. The degree programme has been developed in accordance with the innovative concept of interprofessional learning and teaching