• The Bachelor’s degree programme in History is intended to convey basic scientific qualifications and a broad basic knowledge of the subject History. The programme is designed so that students gain an undergraduate degree which qualifies them to enter a profession. At the same time, they acquire the skills necessary to approach and solve historical research questions independently.
  • To this end, the Bachelor’s degree programme is interdisciplinary, highly relevant to practice and strongly orientated towards research and cultural studies. It is designed to combine the skills traditionally taught in an academic History course with the skills required in new, and particularly in media-based fields of culture and communication.
  • The focus of the BA programme in History is on ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history including comparative national history, historical methodology, social and economic history, public history, American history, East European history, South Asian history and the history of the Jewish people. As an undergraduate programme, the degree programme therefore allows students to discover the broad spectrum of disciplines and methodologies associated with the subject.