The Bachelor’s degree programme in Biochemistry is interdisciplinary. The curriculum is organised into modules consisting of classes (lectures, seminars, practical classes, lab practicals) which consider specific topics for predefined periods of time. There is a final examination for each class. 

  • The first part of the Bachelor’s degree programme focusses on basic subdisciplines of chemistry. 
  • Extension classes, which consider further, related subdisciplines of Biochemistry, begin in the third academic semester.  
  • Extension elements of the course include a six-week research placement in the field of biochemistry, which may be completed at external institutions in consultation with the University. 
  • At the end of the Bachelor’s degree programme, students must take a final examination and must spend eight weeks completing a Bachelor’s thesis focussed on a topic from the field of Biochemistry. Both the research placement and the Bachelor’s thesis may be completed at external institutions. 
  • This means that students might spend the fifth and/or sixth academic semesters abroad without prolonging the length of their period of study.