The SUFONAMA Course consists of a first-year at one of three institutions (Bangor, Copenhagen, Goettingen) and a specializing second year at one of the four other institutions.
The students are required to spend the second year at a different university than their first year. The aim of the first study year is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to sustainable forest and nature management. The learning outcomes are similar at the three-first year institutions and allow students to choose freely among the five specialization options in the second year. The first year ends with a joint summer module, conducted as a two-week excursion to one of the countries where the consortium institutions are located.
In the second year, students can specialize in one of the following topics:
(i) Conservation and land management (Bangor),
(ii) Economic management of forests and nature (Copenhagen),
(iii) Forest and Nature Management in a Changing Climate (Goettingen),
(iv) Scandinavian and East European forestry (Alnarp),
(v) Mountain forestry and watershed management (Padova).