"Integrated Plant and Animal Breeding" is to impart the basic theories, methods, procedures, and questions of breeding in the agricultural and forestry sciences in an interdisciplinary and research-oriented approach. The foremost goal of the Master's academic program is to enable graduates to pursue in-depth scientific work. Students become qualified for international specialist and management tasks or prepared for corresponding foreign-related research activities, thereby making them more competitive in international competition.
The master program "integrated Plant and Animal Breeding” (iPAB) combines plant and animal breeding. The general and subject-related goals of the course of study include, among other things, the acquisition of
- knowledge of animal and plant breeding, its methods and procedures;
- the ability to apply advanced academic/scientific-analytical laboratory methods or technical methods or qualitative and quantitative survey methodology and to interpret their results;
- the ability to process and demonstrate complex analytical and other data using agricultural sciences and bioinformatics
- the ability to use and evaluate scientific literature, statistics, and other documentation at a scientific level;
- the ability to present test results in writing, and in oral and graphic form;
- the ability to execute largely independent research or application-oriented projects and
- the ability to view and evaluate the effects of animal and plant breeding taking social, scientific, and ethical aspects into account.