• The Master of Education degree program in Biology focuses on microbiology and human biology.
  • Students learn to safely handle microbes, including working in sterile environments and using isolation methods, as well as to enrich, characterize and identify microbes. In addition to contents from human biology and immunobiology, students are introduced to practical experiments that can be conducted in biology lessons.
  • While students in the bachelor's degree program focus on gaining subject-specific knowledge, the Master of Education degree program puts a stronger emphasis on educational sciences and subject didactics.
  • The modules on subject didactics cover theoretical aspects of teaching and learning biology, offering insights to research on biological didactics.
  • Students learn to plan, execute and reflect on topical and curricular teaching units as well as to conceptualize and design practical biology lessons, taking questions of inclusion into account.
  • In teaching degree programs designed for grammar and comprehensive schools, students choose two school subjects.
  • Thus, in addition to Biology, students are enrolled for a second subject as well as Educational Sciences.
  • The five-month practical semester is a key component of the degree program.