The M.Sc. in has been carefully designed to equip ambitious professionals with a STEM background with a distinct set of skills needed to succeed in a digitized and globalized economy.

Data-driven decisions become mission-critical in one vertical after the next. Many professions will face disruptive change, job descriptions will change significantly as data- and algorithm-driven decisions are at the core of creating value for businesses and new jobs will emerge. Tasks currently performed manually or supported by simple approaches will require specialized knowledge in Data Analytics and Decision Science, machine learning and optimization techniques in the future.

The M.Sc. degree??in Data Analytics and Decision Science (DDS)?granted by RWTH Aachen University in? Germany will also enable you to pursue an academic career and continue studying towards a PhD in fields such as data analytics, machine learning & artificial intelligence, operations research and engineering.

Whichever way you want to follow after graduation: Our dedicated team of experts in the career and entrepreneurship centers will accompany you on that journey and help you decide how to best realize your ambitions, be it an exciting new job or starting your own business. We seek to place our graduates in global technology blue chips, hidden technology champions, leading technology consultancies and fast-growing technology ventures. The Entrepreneurship Center at RWTH Aachen University also has a long track record of supporting innovative startups by our graduates ? between 70 to 100 every year.

Career fields

  • Retail & Value Chain Management
  • Industry & Production
  • Transportation & Mobility
  • Energy & Climate?

Further application areas can be found in:

  • Marketing (e.g. ad placement, SEO optimization, marketing campaign optimization, ...)
  • Health care (e.g. personalized medicine, automated diagnostics, ...)
  • Finance & Insurance (e.g. predictive underwriting, fraud detection, tariff optimisation, ...)
  • Politics & public sector
  • Agriculture?
  • Sustainability & Smart Living
  • Sports
  • Education