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TS EDCET 2023 Exam Pattern, Syllabus and Marking Scheme

TS EDCET 2023 Exam Pattern is yet to be updated for the current session and it will consist of 5 sections which are General English, Teaching Aptitude, General Knowledge & Educational Awareness, and Computer awareness along with Subject/content (Telangana Board up to Class 10th). The question paper consists of 150 Questions in total and all questions will carry equal marks. 

Moreover, TS EDCET 2023 Syllabus has also been released by TSCHE along with the information brochure, and a summary of the Syllabus for TS EDCET 2023 is below according to previous years’ trends.

  • The Questions asked in TS EDCET are Objective Type MCQ-based.
  • General English, Teaching Aptitude, and Computer awareness will contain 20 marks each, and General Knowledge & Educational issue comprises 30 marks. Subject Content up to Class 10th will have 60 marks.
  • 1 mark is given for every correct answer while no negative marking is done for a wrong or unanswered question. Check TS EDCET 2023 Marking Scheme
  • TS EDCET syllabus comprises general questions from the topics which are usually a 10+2 level or B.A. degree level. 
  • TS EDCET 2023 will be conducted in May 2023, by TSCHE for granting admission into various B/ Ed courses.

TS EDCET 2023 Highlights 

Exam Mode Offline
Number of Paper 1
Number of Sections 3 (General English, General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude, and Methodology.)
Question Paper type MCQ-based Objective type questions.
TS EDCET 2023 total marks 150 Marks
Exam Duration 2 Hours
Exam Language English

TS EDCET Exam Pattern

TS EDCET 2023 Exam Pattern

TS EDCET 2023 exam pattern has been changed this year, it will consist of 5 parts namely General English, General Knowledge & Educational Awareness, Teaching Aptitude, Computer Awareness and Subject content (Upto class 10th of Telangana Board). There are total 150 Questions of objective-type answers. 

1. Part 1

  • Subject Content – This section will consist of questions from class 1st to class 10th  of the Telangana Board curriculum. Questions from this section will focus on Problem-solving and reasoning skills.
  • A total of 60 questions will be asked 20 from each section – Mathematics, Science and Social Science.

2. Part 2

  • Teaching Aptitude – Questions from this section will be related to classroom management, the teaching-learning process, and monitoring with special reference to the teacher-pupil relationship.
  • 20 questions will be asked from this section with a total mark of 20.

3. Part 3

  • General English – This section will consist of Reading comprehension, spelling errors, phrase replacement, error detection and word association.
  • 20 questions will be asked from this section and total marks for this section will be 20.

4. Part 4

  • General Knowledge – Questions in this section will be asked from current affairs of India and International, and Contemporary educational issues.
  • 30 questions will be asked in this section and the total marks allotted in this section is 30.

5 Part 5

  • Computer Awareness – This section will focus on knowledge about computer fundamentals, memory, the internet, networking.
  • 20 questions will be asked in this section with total mark of 20.

Also Check TS EDCET 2023 Application Forms

TS EDCET Marking Scheme

TS EDCET 2023 Marking Scheme

The question paper of TS EDCET Exam consists of 3 parts consisting 150 questions in total. MCQ based objective type questions are asked in all the sections.

  • Each correct answer will be awarded for 1 mark. No negative marking is done for any answer attempted wrong or left unanswered.
  • Duration of the exam 2 hours and no extra time will be given to any candidate under any circumstances. General English, General Knowledge + Teaching Aptitude, and Methodology are 3 parts that a candidate has to attend.
  • Candidates have to choose any one of the following subjects from the methodology section of the question paper in accordance with their interests.
  • Part-C consists of 5 sections, all the sections have different marking scheme-
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Science
  • Biological science
  • social Studies
  • English
Part Subject Division Questions Marks

Subject Content (Upto Class 10th of Telangana Board)

Mathematics  (20 marks)

Science (20 marks)

Social Studies (20 marks) 

60 60
2 Teaching Aptitude - 20 20
3 General English - 20 20
4 General Knowledge and Teaching Awareness - 30 30
5 Computer Awareness - 20 20
Total 150 150

TS EDCET Syllabus

TS EDCET 2023 Exam Syllabus

Questions are designed to test the ability of the candidate’s application to the society and experience in their scientific outlook. The following topics are asked in the TS EDCET question paper-

General English Reading Comprehension
Correction of Sentences
Transformation of Sentences- Simple, Compound, and Complex
Direct speech and Indirect speech
General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude General Knowledge questions relating to India and Its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Ecology, Economics, General Policy, and Scientific Research. 
Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of day to day observations
Experience in a candidate’s scientific outlook as is expected of an educated person.
Questions to test the ability of a candidate’s general knowledge of the environment around him and its application.
One who has the characteristics like ability to communicate, deal with children, ability to recognize individual differences etc., to become an able teacher, questions relating to these aspects will be included and the test in one’s TEACHING APTITUDE.
Mathematics (Methodology) Differential Equations
Solid Geometry
Groups and Rings
Real analysis
Linear Algebra
Multiple Integrals and Vector Calculus
Physics (Methodology) Vector Analysis
Mechanics and particles
Mechanics and Rigid Bodies
Central Forces
Fundamentals of Vibration
Damped and forced oscillation
Vibrating Strings
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Quantum Theory of Radiation
Statistical Thermodynamics
Polarization and Double Effraction
Laser Fiber Optics and Holography
Magneto statistics
Moving charge in electro and magnetic field
Electromagnetic Induction
Varying and Alternative Currents
Maxwell’s equations and Electro Magnetic Waves
Basic Electronics
Digital Principles
Quantum Mechanics
Nuclear Physics
Solid State Physics
Chemistry (Methodology) Atomic structure and Elementary Quantum Mechanics
Chemical Bonding
Periodic Properties
s-block and p-block elements
d-block elements
f-block elements
Co-ordination Compounds
Hard and Soft Acid bases
Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds
Structural Theory in Organic Chemistry
Acyclic Hydrocarbons
Benzene and its Reactivity
Areness and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
Hydroxy Compounds
Carbonyl Compounds
Nitrogen Compounds
Hydrocyclic Compounds
Amino Acids and Proteins
Gaseous State
Liquid State
Solid State
Dilute solutions and Colligative Properties
Colloids and Surface Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Botany (Methodology) Branches of Botany
Classification of Plant Kingdom
Cell Biology
Tissue Organization and Growth
Plant Reproduction
Plant Resources and their Utilization
Zoology (Methodology) Protozoa to Annelid
Arthropod to hemicordata
Cell Biology
Bio-molecules of the Cell
Protochordata to Amphibia
Reptilia to Mammalian
Ecology and Zoogeography
Physiology of Digestion
Physiology of Excretion
Physiology of Respiration
Physiology of Circulation
Physiology of Muscle Contraction
Physiology of Nerve impulse
Physiology of Endocrine System
Physiology of Homeostasis
Organic Evolution
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Clinical Science
Animal Biotechnology
History (Methodology) History of India up to 1526 AD
History of India-Later Medieval Period
Modern India
History of Modern World
History and Culture of Telangana
Civics (Methodology) Political Science-Concepts and theories
Public Administration- Concepts and Theories
Indian Government and Politics
Public Administration in India
Geography (Methodology) Principles of Physical Geography
Social and Economic Geography
Regional Geography of India
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Economics (Methodology) Micro-Macro, Static-Dynamic, Normative and Positive Economics.
Cardinal and Ordinal Approaches, and Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Law of Variable Proportion and returns to scale
Different concepts of cost and their inter-relation
Concepts of National Income, Consumption, Investment, and Business cycles.
Meaning of Economic Development, and measures of Economics
Sources of Public Revenue
Taxes/VAT finance commission
Canons and Effects of Public Expenditure
Functions and Classification of Money
Budgets and Money Supply
Functions of Commercial and Reserve Banks
Method of Credit Control
Importance of Agriculture in the Indian Economy
Population growth in India
Regional Disparities
Mixed Economy-Characteristics, Features
Concept of Poverty
Types of Unemployment
Objective of Planning in India
Importance of Infrastructure
Social Structure
Organized and Unorganized sectors
International Trade
Economic Reforms
English (Methodology) Language and Literature
Forms of Poetry
Elements of Drama
Elements of Poetry
Elements of Fiction
Poetry from Elizabethan age to the pre-romantic era 
Development of 16th and 17th century British Drama
Prose- Origin, and Development of the Essay
Fiction origin and development of the Novel
Origin and growth of English Literature

*Topics for Poetry, Drama, Fiction, and Prose will be provided by the university.


TS EDCET 2023 Reference Books

There are a set of books that the students require to study for the entrance examination. Following is the list of those books-

Subject Book Name Author
Methodology B. Ed Social TM Books
B. Ed Physics TM Books
B. Ed Math TM Books
B. Ed Biology TM Books
B. Ed English EM Books
B. Ed Hindi HM Books
B. Ed Telugu TM Books
EDCET Biological Science -
EDCET Part A -
EDCET Part B -

Important Instructions

TS EDCET 2023 Important Instructions

TS EDCET has some important instructions to be followed while giving the examination. Here are some important instructions are given by the Conducting Body Officials to be followed-

  • A separate optical mark reader answer sheet is supplied with the question paper to the candidates.
  • Use a Black/Blue Ball Point Pen only for filling the following information-
  • Hall Ticket Number in the space provided on the question paper.
  • Question paper Booklet S. No, and Booklet Code
  • If there are any defects in the OMR sheet or question paper, immediately ask the invigilator to change it with the same booklet code.
  • Use of calculators, mathematical tools, log books, pagers, cell phones or any other electronic device is strictly prohibited.
  • Use only H.B pencil to darken the appropriate circle corresponding to HT number, Booklet etc. on the OMR sheet.
  • Darken the appropriate circle in the OMR sheet corresponding to the correct answer to the concerned question number with an HB pencil only. If you wish to change the answer, erase the answer and fill the correct circle.
  • Darkening of more than one circle will be considered invalid automatically.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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