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NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme and Syllabus

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Pattern will vary with the question paper sets for the exam to be held in 2 shifts. There will be 2 Papers in each shift. Paper 1 is common test and Paper 2 is especially for design subject (only for B.Des Program). NMIMS NPAT 2023 will be conducted from January 4, 2023 to May 31, 2023 through computer-based mode.

  • Duration of Paper-1 is 1 hour and 40 min which is divided into 3 parts for 3 sections i.e. 40 questions in each section. Each section has 40 minutes. Total marks for Paper-1 are 100 marks and no negative marking scheme.
  • Paper-2 has objective type multiple choice 60 questions equally divided into 3 sections i.e. 20 questions in each section. Each section has 30 minutes. Maximum marks are 60 marks for Paper-2.
  • Paper-1 is common for all candidates and covers 3 subjects: Quantitative & Numerical Ability, Reasoning & General Intelligence and Proficiency in English Language and Paper 2 is to be taken by candidates applying for B.Des Program. This test will be started after 10 minutes of completion of Paper-1.

Pattern Highlights

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam pattern table is being given below for reference:

Exam Pattern Highlights
Exam Mode Online Computer Based Test (CBT)
Number of papers 2 Paper {Paper-1 (Common for all Applicants) Paper-2 (for B.Des Applicants)}
Number of sections Paper-1, 3 Sections
Paper-2, 3 Sections
Question Paper Type Objective Type, Multiple Choice
Total Marks Paper 1- 100;
Paper 2- 60
Exam duration Paper-1: 100 minutes
Paper-2: 90 minutes
Exam language  English

NPAT 2021 Detail

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Pattern in Detail

The exam pattern of NMIMS NPAT exam for Non-Engineering courses is as given below. 

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Pattern is set to test reasoning, analytical, general intelligence, and command over the English Language. Weightage is given to questions topic-wise under each subject.

For every section, a specific time limit is set which will be indicated by a clock on the computer test screen. The clock will be set at the server and the countdown timer in the top right corner of the screen will display the remaining time available for completing NMIMS NPAT 2023 exam. When the timer reaches zero, NMIMS NPAT 2021 exam will over by itself. The applicant will not be required to end or submit NMIMS NPAT 2023 examination.

NMIMS NPAT 2023: Paper 1

Paper 1 for NMIMS NPAT 2023  is common for all applicants. It consists of Multiple Choice Questions and there is no negative marking.

Subjects No. of Questions Max. Marks Time Limit (Minutes)
Quantitative & Numerical ability 40 40 100
Reasoning & General Intelligence 40 40
Proficiency in English Language 40 20
Total 120 100 100

NMIMS NPAT 2023: Paper 2

Paper 2 for NMIMS NPAT 2023 is only for B.Des applicants. It consists of Multiple Choice Questions and no marks are deducted for an incorrect response.

Subjects No. of Questions Max. Marks Time Limit
Spatial Ability and Visualization Skills 20 20 30
Observation & Problem Solving 20 20 30
General Awareness & Design Sensibility 20 20 30
Total 60 60 90

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Topics and their Weightage:

As per NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Pattern, the list of important topics and their weightage is tabulated below. 

Quantitative & Numerical ability

Topics  Weightage 
Number System  4 Marks 
Arithmetic  16 Marks 
Algebra  8 Marks 
Sets and Function  4 Marks 
Elementary Statistics and Probability  4 Marks
Trigonometry  4 Marks 

Reasoning & General Intelligence

Topics  Marks 
Critical Thinking  10 Marks 
Verbal-logical reasoning  5 Marks 
Data sufficiency  5 Marks 
Numerical Reasoning  6 Marks 
Data Interpretation  10 Marks 
Spatial Reasoning  4 Marks 

Proficiency in the English Language

  • Error Recognition (5 Marks)
  • Applied Grammar (8 Marks)
  • Vocabulary (4 Marks)
  • Contextual Usage (4 Marks)
  • Sequencing of Ideas (4 Marks)
  • Reading Comprehension (15 Marks)
  1. Spatial Ability and Visualization Skills
  • Principle of perception and visual design (7 Marks)
  • Spatial relationships assessment (7 Marks)
  • Knowledge of practical and every day (6 Marks)
  1. Observation & Problem Solving
  • Ability to detect concealed properties (6 Marks)
  • Applying attention to certain details (6 Marks)
  • Ability to discern subtle differences (3 Marks)
  • Using these to solve problems (5 Marks)
  1. General Awareness & Design Sensibility
  • General awareness of environmental factors (6 Marks)
  • Awareness of social and cultural connection (10 Marks)
  • History of art, sculpture, and literature (4 Marks)

Syllabus 2021

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Syllabus

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Syllabus is based on the 10+2 standard. Considering different backgrounds of applicants, the syllabus is constructed involving subjects and topics which are widely and commonly understandable and approachable with common sense and general intelligence.

Subject topic wise details of the Syllabus for NMIMS NPAT 2023 is as follows:

Paper 1

  1. Quantitative and Numerical Ability
Contents Description
Number System Fractions, Surds and Decimals, Number Series
Arithmetic Percentages, Profit & Loss, Discount, Compound Interest & Annuities, Ratio & Proportions, Time, Work & Distance, 2 D & 3D Figures- Areas & Volumes
Algebra Basic Algebraic Identities, Equations - Linear & Quadratic sequence, and Series (AP, GP)
Sets and Functions Sets, Operation on Sets and their Applications using Venn Diagrams, functions
Elementary Statistics & Probability Mean, Mode, and Median, Measures of Dispersion
Trigonometry Trigonometric Ratios, identities, Height and Distances
  1. Reasoning & General Intelligence
Contents Description
Critical Thinking Decision Making (Take into cognizance various rules/conditions and take decisions based upon those rules/conditions) Problem Solving (To analyze the given information and condense all the information in a suitable form and answer the questions asked)
Verbal-logical reasoning Derive conclusions from logical premises or assess the validity of arguments based on the statement of facts
Data sufficiency Judge if the information given is sufficient to answer the question or some additional information is required
Numerical Reasoning Venn Diagram (Identify the class-sub class relationship among a given group of items and illustrate it diagrammatically) Mathematical Equalities
Data Interpretation Be able to use the information given in graphs and charts to answer questions
Spatial Reasoning Figure Analogy (Choosing the figure from the alternatives that match with relationship specified by a given figural pair) Figure Matching / Classification (Notice the common quality in figures to be able to match figures or find the odd one out) Figure Series (To discover a pattern in the formation of figures in a sequence to be able to complete the series / identify the missing figures)
  1. Proficiency in the English Language
Contents Description
Error Recognition Recognizing grammatical structure and usage.
Applied Grammar Using prepositions, determiners, connectives, tenses appropriately.
Vocabulary Grasping the meaning of underlined words in sentences
Contextual Usage Using appropriate words in the given context
Sequencing of Ideas Putting ideas into logical sequence by putting jumbled sentences in the correct order
Reading Comprehension Total 3 Passages; 400-500 words in each passage & 5 Questions will be per Passage Locating Information, grasping ideas, identifying relationships, interpreting ideas, moods, characteristics of characters, tone of the passage, inferring, getting the central theme, evaluating

Paper 2

  1. Spatial Ability and Visualization Skills
Contents Description
Principle of perception and visual design Principles of Perception - Continuation and Closure, Similarity, Proximity by Gestalt
Sight and thought perception according to Huxley-Lester Model
Cognitive Perception involves a multitude of mental processes: analysis and recognition, interpretation, comparison, memory, salience, association, and inventory,
Principles of Design: Emphasis and Unity, Pattern, Balance, Rhythm, Contrast, Movement, and Proportion,
Semiotics (Science of signs and symbols): Indexical, Iconic and Symbolic,
Pragmatics of Graphics Design with its Syntax, Semantics
Spatial relationships assessment Explanation of Space- Light and Scale (Spatial Properties)
Constructivism— visual blueprinting (relating a pattern of shapes or arranging a series of planes together visually)
Orthographic representations
Isometric representations
Knowledge of practical and everyday mechanical and scientific concepts Knowledge of form and material, usability, and emotional impact (day-to-day objects)
Basic Mechanics
Concept of Patterns in data
  1. Observation & Problem Solving
Contents Description
Ability to reveal hidden attributes in situations, people, and normal things, events, and create a critical view Skill to detect complications/problems related to ease-of-use of modern / routinely used devices
Ability to understand and analyze relations between 2D and 3D objects
Implementing awareness to certain details, inferring, and predicting. analyzing, reasoning, classifying Creative Problem Solving Techniques (Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification)
Bottom to top and top to down approaches
Skill to differentiate devious differences in visual properties and aesthetic outcomes. Knowledge of the spatial composition, lighting, Golden Ratio, Rule of Thirds, Balance, Colour preference (Hue, Saturation, lightness)
Using these to solve problems Fonts and symbols used as part of communication or awareness of fonts
Understanding the principles of design and its perception, Usage of a design component, & spatial properties, cultural tendency, and structured design process
  1. General Awareness & Design Sensibility
Contents Descriptions
General awareness of environmental factors i.e. natural resources, water, weather, climate, population, pollution, vegetation, etc., and their suggestions on the product design, various images, wide infrastructure, and changing environment. Environmental Design to gain sustainability- Green Design
Changes in Process and Products ( focus on subtle products)
Awareness of social and cultural relationship with design, historical artifact, and social responsibility, and environmentally sustainable design responses. Designing for social and cultural sustainability- Inclusive Design
Principles of Inclusive design: Responsiveness, Flexibility, Convenience, Accommodation, Welcoming, and Real
Visual culture- Expression of Culture through visual images.
History of art, sculpture, and literature Art Movements / Periods- Basic Info
Renowned sculptures, historical artists, and their paintings.

Preparation Books

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Preparation Books

As the topics of NMIMS NPAT Exam are common and more or less similar to other entrance and competitive exams so there are several options available in the books market.

Subject Book Name Author ISBN
Quantitative and Numerical Ability Quantitative Aptitude Numerical Ability - 1276: Numerical Ability (Fully Solved) 7000 + Objective Questions Kiran Prakashan (Author), Pratiyogita Kiran (Author) ASIN: B00U241N14
Reasoning and Gen. Intelligence General Intelligence and Test of Reasoning 2016 S Chand Experts ISBN-10: 9325994151 ISBN-13: 978-932599415
English Language Objective General English (Old Edition) Paperback – 2011 R.S. Aggarwal ISBN-10: 8121915317 ISBN-13: 978-812191531
Design Sensibility and Awareness UCEED Design Environment & Social Awareness In Design Perspective Combined With Mental & Verbal Aptitude Institute of Creative Sciences ASIN: B01MY2M6Z6
Observation and Problem Solving The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition Kindle Edition by Don Norman ASIN: B06XCCZJ4L

Day Instructions

NMIMS NPAT 2023 Exam Day Instructions

Please read the instructions carefully regarding Question & Answering System

General Instructions:

  • The questions quantity level is displayed on the right side of the webpage that shows the status of each question using one of the following symbols:

NPAT 2018

  • The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again.
  • Click on the ">" symbol that appears to the left of the question palette to fall down the question palette and maximize the question window. For having a review of the question palette, click on "<" that exists on the right side of the question window.

Navigating to a Question:

  • To answer a question, do the following:
    1. For navigating fast from one to another question, click on the question number in the Question Palette at the right of the webpage screen to reach a particular question. Answer to the existing questions will not be saved if navigates to another question.
    2. For saving answers click on Save & Next current question will be saved and next question will appear on the webpage screen.
    3. If review is required then click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the existing question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question.

Answering a Question:

  • How to make answer correctly to a multiple-choice type question:
    1. Click on the button (Radio or Check Button) shown with the options, this will show either DOT or Check Mark in it. The answer is done this way
    2. I need to deselect the selected option for an answer, again either click on the button of the chosen option or can click on the Clear Response button for deselecting the option
    3. For changing the selected option for an answer, click on the button of another option you like
    4. For saving answers, click on Save & Next button
    5. If a review of the option of the answer is required then click on Mark for Review & Next button.
    6. For changing the saved answer, select that question for changing the answer and then act as per the guidance for changing the answer option of the saved answer.

Navigating through sections:

  • Shortcuts are available for having information rapidly about the sections in the paper. Look at the top bar of the computer test screen there are some shortcuts of section. By clicking on it one can have the required information.
  • The next section will automatically be opened as the Save & Next Button is entered for saving the last question of the existing section.
  • When Save & Next button on the last question for a section is clicked, the first question of the next section automatically opened.
  • Navigating from one section to another is facilitated for convenience so any question in any section can be attended to easily.

NPAT 2021 Instruction

Instruction Regarding NMIMS NPAT 2023

As per the regulations for NMIMS NPAT 2021 exam some instructions regarding the conduction of NMIMS NPAT 2023 for maintaining discipline, transparency, and smooth operations of all activities of the exam. The candidate must follow all the instructions.

  • Keep valid admit card issued for NMIMS NPAT 2023 during exam
  • No request will be entertained for attempting NMIMS NPAT 2023 exam without admit card whatsoever is the reason.
  • Keep one original photo ID proof along with NMIMS NPAT Admit Card.
  • Any document other than admit card and ID proof, any size and type of paper, mobile phone, analog watch, any communication device, calculator, and electronic devices and gadgets are not allowed in NMIMS NPAT exam hall.
  • Don’t leave the exam hall without the permission of the invigilator
  • Produce admit card and ID proof twice or thrice, whenever is asked to by the authorities, don’t be irritated
  • Any food or beverage is not allowed to have during the exam. Only water can be taken with the prior permission of the invigilator or as per the instructions
  • Conversation or discussion with any other candidate is not allowed. Such an act is deemed to be a punishable act.
  • If there is some problem with the sitting facility or anything else that is creating a disturbance, don’t try to handle it on your own. Bring this to the notice of the invigilator and let him resolve the problem.
  • If somebody comes with the candidate, he or she will not be allowed to enter in NMIMS NPAT examination center. Don’t expect exam center authorities to provide any facility as they are not instructed for the same so please don’t create an argument with any of the staff persons.
  • Misbehavior in any manner or creating an undisciplined environment in NMIMS NPAT Examination Hall or troubling or not assisting in the process of the verification or checking in the exam with the invigilator, officials, and assisting staff deployed for the conduction of the examination will not be tolerated in any case and severe punitive action will be taken under the rules and regulation of the examination.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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