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Candidates who are planning to appear for NATA 2023 must appear for NATA 2023 Mock Tests to prepare thoroughly for the entrance exam. Aspirants can take the mock test for NATA online. Mock Tests are one of the best ways to practice for the examination. With the help of mock tests, candidates will be familiar with the NATA 2023 Exam Pattern. The mock tests include questions from all the subjects such as Mathematics, General Aptitude and Drawing.

The Authorities will conduct NATA 2023 in the 2nd week of April 2023. However, at this point, candidates who are appearing for the exam must be done with the syllabus. Taking mock tests will give you an idea about the preparation level and how much you are expected to score in the main exam. Candidates must be careful while attempting the mock test as the pattern of the mock test will be exactly like the final NATA entrance exam. 

Read the article to know the important dates, how to access the mock test, and other details.

Important Dates 2023

NATA 2023 Mock Test: Important Dates

Events Dates
Release of NATA 2023 Mock Test To be announced soon
NATA 2023 Exam Date

April 2023

Declaration of NATA 2023 Result

May 2023

Exam Pattern 2023

NATA Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates who are planning to appear for the exam must have a clear idea about the exam pattern of NATA 2023. Given below is the exam pattern of NATA entrance exam/ The exam is conducted in online mode except for the drawing section i.e. Part A. 

  • NATA 2023 will be conducted online as well as offline mode. 

  • The exam will have two sections: Part A: Drawing Test (Offline)

                                                                Part B: General Aptitude, PCM and Logical Reasoning

  • The total number of questions asked in the entrance exam are Part A (Drawing Test): 3 Drawing Questions, Part B (PCM): 15 Questions), General Aptitude & Logical Reasoning): 35 Questions.

  • As per the marking scheme, candidates will be awarded 1.5 marks for each correct answer in Part B only. There will be no negative marking. 

Official Mock Test

NATA Official Mock Test by CoA

NATA Mock Tests are available at the official website of NATA. Candidates can follow the simple tests given below to access the official mock tests for NATA 2023.

How to access the NATA Mock Test?

Step 1: Go to the portal and click on the ‘NATA 2023 Mock Test’ link. You’ll be redirected to the new window.

Step 2: Enter login credentials i.e. Username and Password. Candidates will not be required to create an account to appear for mock tests.

Step 3: Now students will see a new window displaying instructions for appearing in the exam. It is must to read all the instructions carefully before appearing for NATA Mock Test 2023.

General Instructions:

The total duration of the entrance examination is 180 minutes. The clock will be set at the server and will show time on the top of the computer screen. The timer in the right corner of the screen will display the remaining time available to complete the exam. When the countdown timer reaches zero, the examination will end itself. Candidates will not be required to end or submit the exam.

The Question Palette displayed on the right side of the screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols:

Gray: You have to visit the question yet. 

Red: You have not answered the question

Green: You have answered the question.

Purple: You have NOT answered the question, but have marked the question for review.

Purple with Green Circle: The questions(s) “Answered and Marked for Review” will be considered for evaluation.

Purple with a Tick Mark: The Question(s) “Marked for Review” will not be considered for evaluation. Hence, no marks will be allocated for the same.

Navigating to a question:

In order to Navigate to a question, candidates will have to follow the instructions mentioned below:

  • Click on the question number in the question palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question directly. Candidates must note that using this option does not save your answer to the respective question.

  • Click on the “Save & Next” button to save your answer for that question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question.

Answering a Question:

The Process for answering a multiple choice question (MCQs) are as follows:

  • To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options. 

  • To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button.

  • To save your answer, candidates must click on the “Save & Next” button.

  • To mark the question for review, click on the “Mark for Review & Next” button.

  • To change the answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for answering and then follow the procedure for answering that question.

Step 4: After reading all the instructions, candidates will have to click on the ‘Next Tab’ and a screen displaying Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme and all other aspects before appearing for the exam. 

Step 5: At last select ‘I am Ready to Begin’ to start the mock test. The paper will be automatically submitted once the time duration is over. Candidates will see their score after the completion of the exam. 

Importance of Mock Tests

Importance of NATA 2023 Mock Tests

NATA Mock Test will surely be helpful in your preparation for the entrance examination. It is basically based on the updated syllabus and previous year question papers. With the help of mock tests, aspirants will be able to get experience and feel for the main exam. Read more to know the benefits of appearing in mock tests. 

  • These Mock Tests of NATA will help you in understanding the latest NATA pattern and trend.

  • Aspirants will be able to practice the NATA exam with the help of the question papers based on the main exam.

  • It will also help the candidates to find their weaker sections and will prepare accordingly.

  • By solving Mock tests, it will eventually increase the speed and accuracy.

  • With regular practice through mock tests, the level of confidence and productivity will also increase.

  • It will also help candidates to work on their test-taking strategies. 

  • The mock tests are considered significant as they give a fair idea about how the questions will be asked in the actual exam.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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