Course Duration
4 YearsTotal Fees
60 KTotal Fees | ₹ 60,000 |
Total Fees |
Aspirants seeking admission to 4 years Full-time B.Tech Program should meet the following criteria as specified by the institute.
Academic Requirement:
Uniform:- Rs. 3000/- which shall include one Blazer, two trousers, two shirts, one tie, two socks. The subsequent requirement is optional and chargeable.
Top Companies |
Event | Date |
JEE Main 2025 Exam Date | Jan 25, 2025 - Jan 31, 2025 |
Courses | General | |
malefemale | malefemale | |
B.Tech Computer Science Engineering | 460112 | 178606 |
Courses | General | RoHC |
B.Tech Computer Science Engineering | - | 228573 |