• St. Lawrence College offers an Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design for a duration of 3 years.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • This program prepares graduates for direct entry into dynamic and rewarding work environments including design studios, ad agencies, interactive web, and game design studios, publishing houses, and marketing firms.
  • The program of study develops the creative potential of each student in three specific ways:
    • Creation of a personal portfolio that demonstrates an understanding of design fundamentals.
    • Process and application of design thinking to solve complex communication problems.
    • Direct, hands-on experience with professional clients representing a broad range of industries.
  • Students are trained in the foundations of composition and layout, typography, color, interactive and accessible design principles, and the use of industry-standard software.
  • The project-based learning approach ensures that students are directly involved in shaping their learning experiences and that principles and best practices are applied in portfolio-driven work across different media.
  • With a dedicated studio, lecture, and computer lab spaces, the students have the opportunity to collaborate on projects as well as develop social networks in a supportive learning environment.
  • Courses may be offered in the classroom or lab, entirely online, or in a hybrid mode that combines classroom sessions with online learning activities.
  • By working directly with clients throughout their final year of study, students develop their knowledge base with real-world challenges.
  • SLC Graphic Design graduates excel in creative problem-solving, design thinking, and approaches to user-centered design that is required by the growing creative economy.
  • St. Lawrence College offers an extensive Student Scholarship and Bursary Program. Scholarships and bursaries for this purpose are sponsored by external organizations and private individuals.
  • The average salary goes up to 36,000 USD.