• Students will gain a thorough understanding of the concepts that underpin electrical and electronic engineering, before choosing one of the specializations.
  • In the final year, students undertake a major research or design project and complete 12 weeks of professional practice.
  • Power Systems
  • With fossil fuels being a finite resource, it is vital that we harness alternative sources of electrical energy, such as solar and wind.
  • This stream will help students address the challenges in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. It covers topics such as smart grids, distribution systems, and the integration of renewable energy.
  • Society has an increasing demand for intelligent transportation systems, mobile broadband access, remote operations, and tactile internet – the next evolution of the internet of things.
  • This stream will help students address challenges facing telecommunication systems, to enable fast and reliable communication anywhere and anytime.
  • The world is increasingly characterized by intelligent devices that contain embedded systems. These systems enable a computer to control another computer, monitor it, or provide it with sophisticated functionality.