• Bachelor of Information Technology is co-designed with industry to prepare students for a career in the ICT industry. Cover programming, software engineering, networks and databases, human-centered design, smart technologies and cloud architecture, and use technical and creative skills with 4.0-era technology to design IT solutions.
  • Throughout the course, students will learn how to solve and propose innovative solutions to complex and highly technical problems. 
  • Students will cover foundational studies in programming, software engineering, network and database systems, and human-centered design, as well as topics in smart industry technologies, enterprise computing and cloud architectures.
  • A choice of elective subjects, including software development, data analytics, artificial intelligence, web development and UX, game programming and cybersecurity, allows you to tailor the course to your interests.
  • Students will also have the opportunity to undertake work experience, which lets them apply their learnings and further prepare for entry into the workforce.